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Newsletter 24/25 - Issue 9 dated 24th January 2025

Posted: Fri 24th Jan 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope your week has been as marvellous as ours has been in school! 

On Wednesday I had the pleasure of watching Skellig class Assembly with parents and carers. The children were amazing and presented to us a series of mini lessons including English, Maths, Geography and PE. The children wrote the assembly themselves and it was clear to see how proud they are of what they have achieved so far this year. 

There is an article about the Young Voices Concert on the next page but I would like to thank all of the parents and carers for their support with this event, we know that ticket and t-shirt purchasing as well as the time it takes to travel to the O2 is a huge commitment! I would also like to thank the staff members who gave up their evening to take the children and specifically Mrs Turner who made sure the children were ready for the event. We loved it as much as they did - they were truly amazing!

Please keep a look out for a letter regarding parent conferences which will be sent out shortly. We are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s progress.

Please can you make sure that children have named hats, scarves and gloves in school - we know that these items can be hard to name but they are much more likely to be found and returned if they are named!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Lawrence

Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead


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