YR Tiger Class
Welcome to Reception!
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the ‘curriculum’ of the Reception year. The EYFS framework sets out key learning goals for your child’s early development which, if achieved, provide the 'foundations' for all later learning and successes, focusing on developing every child's skills through, playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically through 7 areas of learning and development:
The 3 Prime Areas of the EYFS are:
Communication and language
Physical development
Personal, social and emotional development.
The 4 Specific Areas of the EYFS are:
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
We help our Reception children to work towards the Early Learning Goals which are the Knowledge, Skills and Understanding children should have at the end of their first academic year at school.
For the first half term our topic will be β¨'Fabulous Me!'β¨ We will be learning all about ourselves and our families, where we live and what jobs we’d like to do when we’re older. We are basing lots of our learning on the book ‘The Great Big Book of Families’ by Mary Hoffman and Ros Asquith. We will also be learning about what makes us special, the same and different. Some of our other topics this year will be: ‘Let’s Celebrate!’, People Who Help Us!’, ‘Ticket Around the World!’, ‘The Great Outdoors!’ and ‘Under the Sea!’.
We will be following the 'Read, Write Inc' Phonics scheme. Each day we will do a 25 minute phonics session. This will consist of identifying sounds, learning how to form the grapheme correctly and segmenting words into their individual sounds.
As a school we very much promote reading for pleasure and we would like your child to have stories read to them as well as reading their own school reading book at least 3x a week.
For maths we use the NCETM Mastering Number resources. In term 1 we will develop our subitising and counting skills and explore the composition of numbers within 5. We will begin to compare sets of objects and use the language of comparison. In term 2 will continue to develop our subitising and counting skills and explore the composition of numbers within and beyond 5. We will begin to identify when two sets are equal or unequal and connect two equal groups to doubles. We will begin to connect quantities to numerals. In term 3 pupils will consolidate their counting skills, counting to larger numbers and developing a wider range of counting strategies. They will secure knowledge of number facts through varied practice. We will also learn about Shape, Space and Measure alongside our number skills.
π« π« Infoπ« π«
Forest School: Our Forest School session is every TUESDAY morning. Please remember your waterproofs and outdoor coat. Wellies stay in school. We go to Forest School whatever the weather - so always be prepared! β π¨οΈβπ.
PE is every FRIDAY afternoon.