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Biggin Hill School, Bromley

Governing Body

Name Role Photo
Laura Tully - Chair of Governors

I’m proud to volunteer as a Governor at Biggin Hill Primary School because I passionately believe that every child deserves the best school experience possible: respectful, inclusive, diverse, inspiring and of outstanding quality.

The Governing body acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the school leadership team and serves as another important link to the wider community. We offer support and constructive challenge across all aspects of education, safeguarding, finance and community. I’m excited to be able to contribute in a small way to supporting every child in reaching their full potential at BHPS. I also share the wonderful school ethos that this potential combines academic progress and social/emotional growth.

My professional experience includes design and business management, primarily in the construction industry, but also in the social enterprise sector where I develop creative tools to support young people’s mental wellbeing. I have 4 years’ experience as a school Governor locally which I hope will be valuable in my role at BHPS. Aside from caring for my Two children, I enjoy illustration, kayaking, cooking and being out in our beautiful local countryside.

I feel strongly that having an engaged, motivated, trusting and supportive community of parents and carers is a real asset to any school and impacts positively on the children’s experience. I am no longer at the school gates every day, my son has now moved on to Secondary School, but I’m looking forward to attending Governor meetings, fundraising/social events and visiting school regularly to listen and learn. Every day is a school day after all!

Philip Ridgewell (vice Chair of Governors)

Having taken on the role of a Parent Governor at BHPS in 2021 during a pandemic, it was certainly a challenge that I was happy to take on. 

Having been a Community Governor at another Bromley primary school for over 3 years, I want to embrace the opportunity to bring my experiences from that role, which has allowed me to understand first-hand the challenges faced by the teaching staff, as well as experiencing the enthusiasm and positivity that they generate on a daily basis.

From a personal viewpoint, I also want to help and support the school using my background of working as a Building Services Engineer in Construction and the associated Health & Safety involvement.

 My daughter is currently in KS2 at the school, so I also want to help provide the best possible environment and opportunities for my and every child, which will allow them to experience life to the full and let them achieve their full potential.

Sara Ace

I am delighted to be taking on the role of community governor at BHPS.  Both of my daughters attended the school and are now happily enjoying secondary school with many fond memories of their time at this great school. 

I am a HR professional who has worked in HR roles across Government for the last 15 years across the full range of HR disciplines (and a 33 year career in the civil service). I have spent the last 7 years working in the Department of Education and my role includes leading the Diversity and Inclusion agenda for the organisation. I have expertise on attracting diverse talent and developing talent pipelines to ensure that teams are representative of the communities they serve. I look forward to bringing my HR experience into my role as governor and will lead on diversity and inclusion and wellbeing. 

As well as being a proud mum - in my spare time I love yoga and walking my dog.

Maria Daley

I have lived in Biggin Hill for over 20 years and am a proud mum to three children; two of which both attended BHPS and one is due to start in 2022. I have a real passion for education and enjoyed spending time over the years volunteering at the school with reading and maths.

I believe that our school should provide a safe, engaging and inclusive environment for each child to learn, develop and grow in – to enable them to reach their full potential academically and be supported in acquiring the psychological tools they need as they progress through life.

I have 15 years experience working in the corporate sector in London, I was involved in several strategic decisions across a broad spectrum of disciplines. I currently co-care for my brother who is disabled with severe learning difficulties. This has taught me a lot about the importance of patience and understanding within group settings especially. I have a deep love for nature and advocate mental health awareness for all ages. As a governor I will use my personal, community and business experience to drive efficiencies across processes and procedures and bring fresh, positive perspective on the future of our school.


Kate Lawrence

Teacher Governor

The privilege of being a Teacher Governor started for me in September 2018.

In my view, it is an additional way to ensure that the generation of young people, who we are nurturing and guiding through the early years of their lives, have the best opportunities available to them. We can develop a generation of children with high aspirations who will grow into cultured and determined young adults, living the greatest life available to them.

My passion is inclusion for all, achieved through educating our children that as people, we are the same but also so very different, and teaching our children to embrace their unique characteristics as well as those of others with open mindedness and compassion. 

Caralisa Woods

I have been on the Governing Body of Biggin Hill Primary School since September 2019 and was honoured to serve as Chair between September 2020 - September 2022. My governing body colleagues are truly dedicated and I feel proud to be part of the team and to have the opportunity to get a fuller insight to the inner workings of our invaluable public education system.

I believe that one of the most important things we can develop in our children is a life-long love of learning in a safe and fun environment. I am passionate about the availability of inclusive educational experiences for every child, to ensure that they are prepared for all learning experiences as they develop to reach their full potential in today’s society.

As a proud Mum of my son who has attended Biggin Hill Primary School from nursery through to Year 4 currently, I hold the ethos and values of Biggin Hill Primary School in high regard and consider it a real privilege to be able to contribute as a Governor to upholding this positive legacy created by the fabulous school team.

I bring a deep expertise in business, process, technology and finance transformation & change from my professional life as a senior transformation executive and hope I can utilise that experience positively to contribute to the governance of the evolving needs of Biggin Hill Primary School.

As a Governing Body we are keen to ensure that the views of the staff, governors, parents and most importantly, the children are shared and valued. We consider ourselves to be a very open and approachable team and would genuinely love to hear about any concerns, ideas on how we could improve our wonderful school or just a general chat about anything you may like to know more about so please do feel free to reach out!


Wendy Wolfcarius

As a parent governor from November 2015 until July 2020 and now as a community governor my focus continues to be on finance.

I firmly believe that education is what impacts the most on how our society develops and, therefore, it’s in all our interests to support its positive effect.

The question of how to provide children with the best education to suit their personalities is something which many parents ask themselves. I appreciate the opportunity of being afforded an insight into the challenges schools face and being able to ask questions from a non-educator point of view.

As an animation producer my scope is usually limited by budget constraints. The school leadership addresses limitations by similarly exploring different ideas, adapting their approach, and looking for new long-term solutions, and they are under constant scrutiny.



