Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley

School Representatives

At Biggin Hill Primary School our School Council meet frequently a week with the aim to improve life at school by creating democracy through open dialogue with their class. This is done by listening to each other’s requests, voting and feeding back to the senior leadership team, with a view to action their requests. 


School Council - Our School. Our voice

Let us start by introducing ourselves, we are the new Biggin Hill School Council. From reception to year 6 we represent the voice of children within our school and with the help of Mrs Snelling, we are planning lots of events to bring our school community together.

We meet every 3 weeks working on events to raise money for art and craft stations, stationery for the classroom as well as paint for our new ‘friendship benches’ made by the Men in Sheds. 

Events will include cake sales, fruit smoothie Friday, King’s Coronation Party as well as meeting with people within our community who help us.


Eco Club

Eco-Committee is made up of pupils from year 2 - 6. We work together to motivate other  students, staff and parents to take an interest in local and global environmental issues relevant to their lives.

We meet every 3 weeks, looking at making our school environment more eco-friendly. We are planning on setting up our own composite area, planting wild flowers to encourage bees to obtain the nectar for honey as well as bug hotels. We are actively involved in saving water, turning off lights as well as looking after the school environment through litter-picking. 


Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTA’s)

In addition to the School Council, we also have two Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTA’s) in school.  Junior Travel Ambassadors are responsible for reminding the whole school community about road safety issues, along with promoting cycling and walking to school. They do this through a variety of methods such as maintaining a road safety notice board, organising competitions and giving short talks or road safety news in assemblies.

Notice Board


