Development & Evaluation
Biggin Hill Primary School is a larger than average Primary school with 2 classes in each year group. Our average class size is currently 30.
To find out more about our school and our development and education, please visit our Welcome page.
There are currently 402 (without pre-school) pupils on roll with 49% boys and 51% girls. The percentage of pupils currently eligible for the pupil premium is 14.9% which is below the national average. Our Pupil Premium Strategy can be found on the Pupil Premium page and also within the Reports section on our Polices page.
The school is predominantly made up of White British pupils with 10% of pupils from other ethnic backgrounds, which is below the national average. The number of pupils in school for whom English is an additional language is 11, just 2.7% which is below the national average.
The proportion of pupils identified with special educational needs, including those with an EHCP is above national average. There are currently 23% of pupils recorded with SEN, 12 of these have an EHCP.
The school evaluates its impact and plans appropriate actions for improvement throughout the academic year. A copy of the most recent School Development Plan can be found below.
Development plan 2021-24