Caterpillar - Callie C Tiger - Thomas A Elmer - Maisie B Chameleon - Indie G Crayon - Jasmine E Charlie Cook - Tyrah Q Sofia Valdez - Ralph P Gregory Cool - Trixie J Chaya - Whole Class Ebenezer Tweezer -Zachary T Pevensie - Reggie D Gelifen - Harrison E Fred - Daniel I Skellig - Liam N Aspire - Daisy S Congratulations!
Dear Parents and Carers, Last week you would have received a letter from Mrs Lucas with information regarding Parent Consultations, which will take place on Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th February. Parent Consultation bookings can be made on Arbor up until 3pm on Monday 10th February -if you have any difficulty with booking an appointment, please contact the office. On Monday of this week, we celebrated our children who received Special Recognition awards for achievments personal to them. It was inspiring...
Caterpillar - Jacob G Tiger - Theo M Elmer - Sadie A Chameleon - Mia J Crayon - Buddy W Charlie Cook - Denny M Sofia Valdez - Amelia P Gregory Cool - Eddie P Chaya - Matilda W Ebenezer Tweezer - Jessica J Pevensie - Whole Class Gelifen - George M Fred - Harper F Skellig - Ben S Aspire - Daniel I Congratulations!
Dear Parents/Carers, It has - as always - been a hectic time at Biggin Hill and the children have been busy learning and making lots of amazing progress. I have thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to watch a number of incredible class assemblies recently. It is a real joy to see how far the children have come since September and to see, up close, what they are learning and how much they enjoy their education. This Spotlight On… issue is dedicated to...
Caterpillar - Dottie T Tiger - April C Elmer - Jasmine M Chameleon - Gabriel S Crayon - Joshua B Charlie Cook - Jimmy K-S Sofia Valdez - Jude B Gregory Cool - Ronnie A Chaya - Francesca L Ebenezer Tweezer - Emily B-S Pevensie - Jenson D Gelifen - Leonie C Fred - Jackson G Skellig - Stanley D Aspire - Esme S Congratulations!
Dear Parents and Carers, I hope your week has been as marvellous as ours has been in school! On Wednesday I had the pleasure of watching Skellig class Assembly with parents and carers. The children were amazing and presented to us a series of mini lessons including English, Maths, Geography and PE. The children wrote the assembly themselves and it was clear to see how proud they are of what they have achieved so far this year. There is an article...
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