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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 23/24 - Issue 28 dated 17th May 2024

Posted: Fri 17th May 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week was SATs week for Year 6. We are so proud of how all of the children have conducted themselves this week - though we try to keep things as calm as possible, it can feel stressful for them and they have coped brilliantly! Thank you to all of the staff who have helped make breakfast for the children and to Miss Wigfield, Miss Farrell and Mrs Lawrence for the post SATs treats!

On Monday it is class photos - please can all children come to school in school uniform. If they have PE on Monday, please can kits be brought in in a named bag. Year 6 will have a photo without their jumpers but should also bring their leavers’ hoodies as there will also be a photo taken of the children wearing these.

Please see below an article from ECO Club - thank you to Mrs Snelling for all of the additional work that she does with both ECO and School Councils - The children really love being involved in these additional projects.

Please could we remind you to make sure that your child has a rain coat in school - the weather is still unpredictable and some children have complained about being cold at playtime.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 


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