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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter - Week 36

Posted: Fri 26th Jun 2015

Dear parents and carers,

We very much hope that everyone has enjoyed our Sports Days today! Please do let us know your thoughts so that we can continue to improve the event for next year! Thank you to Miss Reed for her fantastic organising and also to Mrs Greenslade for all her help! We were delighted to welcome back our Year 6 travellers last Friday evening—they had had a marvellous time and were totally exhausted! A huge thank you to Miss Gallagher, Mr Devlin, Mrs Sargeant and Mrs Greenslade who accompanied the children and also to Mrs Lineker who spent hours organising the paperwork for the trip!

Gozo’s class assembly was fantastic yesterday—we are so impressed with all your wonderful learning. It is obvious that you are all ready for Y1!

Please don’t forget to bring in £1 and allow your children to wear their “own clothes” next Friday in support of the Chartwell     Cancer Trust and CDH UK. Our wonderful Y6 organisers (Tom Brown and Taylor Kensit) will stand on the gates on Friday morning collecting your donations. If you are able, please do bake or buy something for the cake sale after school on the same day and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the sale itself….hopefully on the playground if the weather is kind! We look forward to welcoming you to parent conferences on 6th, 7th and 8th July—please make sure that you return your appointment

request slips as soon as possible. We are also looking forward to seeing you at the art exhibition after school next Thursday, work will be displayed in the KS1 hall. Congratulations to Lake Natron who have the highest attendance this week—an impressive 97.1%.

Have a lovely weekend. James Ellis

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