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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Spotlight On ... Issue 1 - dated 11th October 2024

Posted: Fri 11th Oct 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to the first edition of ‘Spotlight On…’ for this academic year. There will be a new ‘Spotlight On…’ once a half term to highlight the wonderful work that is going on in our school, focusing on curriculum and our curriculum teams. 

To update you, I am new to the school. Having worked in previous schools, both in the area and further into central London, I bring experience of what curriculum can look like in other settings; I am very excited to celebrate the wonderful and exciting curriculum that is already in place, as well as support the development of the curriculum further. 

Below, I have outlined some of what the children have been studying in science this half term. It has been wonderful to discuss their topics with them and see their enthusiasm and passion for learning. 

I have enjoyed getting to know many of you so far and look forward to meeting more of you at our Parent Consultation Meetings next week.

Have a brilliant weekend,

Mrs Sharrock


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