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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Sensory Room

Posted: Fri 20th May 2016

We wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Stephanie and Tyler Lund and their Mum and Dad who organised a raffle to raise funds to buy more equipment for our brand new Sensory Room.

The room is a place of sanctuary for our children who are on the Autistic Spectrum or who have sensory needs—it is a wonderful place and will be even better once the new equipment arrives! The raffle organised by Steph and Tyler raised a whopping £1103!!!

Thank you to anyone who bought tickets or donated prizes and to Lola Rose and Joy who helped to sell tickets—we are so grateful for these much needed resources.

Thank you also goes to Janet Porter from Charter Tax— who has sponsored the room to the tune of £400. Amazing!!!

Thanks again to Steph and Tyler and their family for their fabulous efforts—

you are superstars!


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