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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Parent / Carer message from Mrs Freeman, Acting Head Teacher, Biggin Hill Primary School - 5th January 2021

Posted: Tue 5th Jan 2021

I am so excited to start my new role as Acting Head Teacher here at Biggin Hill Primary School and very much looking forward to leading the school on its journey towards becoming an outstanding school. 

As Acting Head Teacher, I will also remain Designated Safeguarding Lead for the School. 

I am delighted that Mrs Lawrence, Acting Deputy Head Teacher and Inclusion Lead, will be supporting me in the strategic and day-to-day leadership of our school. Mrs Lawrence will also be leading on Inclusion and has a wealth of experience and expertise on all inclusion matters and children's Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (SEND). Mrs Lawrence and myself are both very fortunate to be able to lead the most fantastic, experienced and dedicated staff team. We all share one vision - a vision which is working to achieve the very best outcomes for your children.

Biggin Hill Primary is a very special and unique place; I could not be happier to have this new opportunity to further my career here. Mrs Lawrence and I are fully committed to making Biggin Hill Primary the very best that it can be; we have always enjoyed working together and are really looking forward to this next chapter in our careers. 

Although we are currently weathering a very difficult storm, we have every confidence that the plan we have put in place is robust and provides a high standard of education for children both in school and at home. Please refer to my email sent on Monday 4th January for further details.

We know that home learning (again!) is a daunting and challenging prospect. But we have every confidence in you and your children and we are here to provide support every step of the way - do what you can and ask us for help as and when you need it.

School and home should work in partnership - global pandemic or not! We are committed to steering the school through the next few difficult weeks and beyond. There is light at the end of the tunnel and together, we will get through this. Our door is always open…(just make sure you wear a mask!!!)

My very best wishes,

Hannah Freeman

Acting Head Teacher


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