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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Our Amazing and Talented Biggin Hill Primary School Art and Art Gallery

Posted: Mon 13th Jul 2020

Just before lockdown we had the most amazing artwork emerging in years 2, 5 and 6 and wanted to share what the children had been doing with you.

Year two had been learning about African Art and had produced some excellent african-inspired chalk patterns, which would usually be seen in fabrics such as clothing. They have also enjoyed paper collage mask making and created some
traditionally decorated 3D houses using the style of the Ndebele people!

Year 5 had been studying rainforest artwork by a number of artists including Henri Rousseau to inspire their pieces. ‘Tropical leaves‘ picked from the reception courtyard helped them understand proportion when sketching giant leaves!

Having further studied the famous artists interpretation of colour and composition, the children carefully sketched their own rainforest creations, using paints to bring them to life. See if you can spot some of the animals hidden in these amazing paintings!
Tree frogs also made an appearance using oil pastels for a vibrant effect!

Year 6 had studied a number of famous seascape artists including Turner, Monet and Constable and we discussed the artists use of light and dark, shade, tone and composition.

They had produced some effective seascapes just with the use of a variety of different pencil strokes. Next they replicated this technique using oil pastels to experiment with effects of shade and tone. With these practices in mind, they then began their own seascape paintings, using photographs as their initial point of reference, but using their own creative ideas with composition and light, shade and colour choices with amazing effect!

We have outstanding artists throughout this school - our Art Gallery near Year 5 displays the most incredible talent.

Mrs Fotheringham, Learning Support Assistant

I would like to thank Mrs Fotheringham for teaching Art across our school. The children are always excited to have Art lessons and have shown some amazing
creativity and engagement with the topics covered. Our Art Gallery is a true credit and showcases the most amazing work.

Mrs S Clark, Art Coordinator

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