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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter- Week 8 October 2015

Posted: Fri 23rd Oct 2015

Dear parents and carers,

It has been a really busy half term and we are proud of what we have achieved as a school in such a short space of time. The Buzz Days have been a real success – the children and staff have really enjoyed them and our aim of generating high quality extended writing as a result of these experiences has been achieved. A special mention to Jack Rye and Luke Stephen who have done some fabulous writing this week – well done boys! Black History Month has been another success – we hope you enjoy looking at the work that your children have produced, in the exhibition after school today. Well done to Bear Grylls Class for a great assembly yesterday morning – it was fantastic to see you talk about all of your hard work so enthusiastically! We hope that the children enjoyed the Halloween Disco – I just wanted to say a special thank you to the Friends for organising this and to all of the parents and carers who helped out.  Congratulations to JK Rowling class who had the highest attendance this week with 99.6 % (and they also won last week, again with 99.6%) - amazing!!. Enjoy Halloween, if you celebrate it. Please make sure that children do not go trick or treating without adult supervision.  Have a wonderful half term—we look forward to seeing you at parent conferences after half term.

James Ellis


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