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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter- Week 6 October 2015

Posted: Fri 9th Oct 2015

Dear parents and carers,

Thank you to everyone who came to the homework exhibition on Friday—we hope that you enjoyed looking at all of the children’s hard work and fantastic creativity!

It has been yet another exciting week—Year 2 are off to the Science Museum today as part of their Materials and their Properties topic—we look forward to hearing all about it on their return! Year 5 had their Thanksgiving Buzz Day on Monday—thank you for the pumpkin pie, it was delicious! And finally, Baden Powell's class assembly was fantastic this morning—well done everyone!

Year 2 and Year 6 have been having a go at some mock SATs papers this week—we think they have been a little surprised by how tricky the new papers are!  We have plenty of time to prepare and we know that if children keep up the hard work, they will be more than ready to sit the real things in May!

We hope that you will all be supporting the many up and coming events organised by the Friends—the first of which is the annual Halloween Disco and then the Fireworks Display—we look forward to seeing you and thank the Friends in advance for all their hard work in preparing for these.

Finally the class with the best attendance this week was Rowling with —100% - it doesn’t get any better than that!!! Well done!

Have a great weekend.         James Ellis



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