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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter- Week 5 October 2015

Posted: Fri 2nd Oct 2015

Dear parents and carers,

The lovely sunshine this week has meant that children in reception have been enjoying their new outside area at every available opportunity! They will of course be out there come rain or shine—so our new set of waterproofs will no doubt come in handy soon! Year 3 have enjoyed a trip to Lewes Castle this week to enhance their learning about the Stone Age and Year 6 really enjoyed their Mongolian Buzz Day.Y2 Faraday class did a  wonderful assembly on Thursday morning—Mrs Freeman told me all about their bossy song, cool dance moves and fabulous confidence—well done Year 2!

The first Friday Fandango of the year has been taking place today—this is when we ask children to do an extended piece of writing so that we can assess the progress that they have made so far. The children really enjoyed the “Back to the Future” theme—no doubt there are some BTTF fans amongst you parents too! Information about the progress that your child has made in their writing and in other subjects will be shared with you at parent conferences on 2nd, 3rd and 4th November—more information about these will follow soon.

We pride ourselves on being a very accessible team and know that you have found having staff email addresses and members of the senior leadership team at the gate, very helpful. Please do remember though, that teachers and LSAs are not available at 8.40am to meet with parents; if you have anything that you would like to discuss please arrange a mutually convenient time via the office. Please do not enter the school building at this time. Many thanks  for your cooperation in this matter.Finally the class with the best attendance this week was Bear Grylls with —99.7%, well done!.  

Have a great weekend.        

James Ellis

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