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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter- Week 4 21- 25/9/2015

Posted: Fri 25th Sep 2015

Dear parents and carers,

I can’t quite believe that October is nearly upon us—the first month of school has flown by! This week has seen many exciting events such as the Year 1 trip to Tower Bridge; Bear Grylls class visiting Combe Bank School for a special science show, John Lennon Class assembly and of course the grand opening of our Early Years outdoor learning area! There will be a special piece about the learning area in next week’s newsletter as well as photos of the children playing in their new space for the very first time!

John Lennon class assembly was packed full of the fascinating things that they have been learning about—well done for kicking off the class assembly rota for this year.

The leadership team have been observing teaching this week and have seen some fantastic behaviour for learning from the children—there is some really interesting maths and literacy going on across the school—keep up the good work everybody!

Please make sure that you have read and understood the changes to our monitoring systems for attendance—government expectations are much higher and we must ensure that we fall in line, remember that anything less than 96% attendance is no longer considered to be good enough. On that note a huge well done to  Y5 Bear Grylls class who had the best attendance this week—99.7%.  Have a good weekend.           

James Ellis


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