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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter Week 38 3rd July — 7th July 2017

Posted: Fri 7th Jul 2017

I cannot quite believe we are almost at the end of term!

The past week has been as busy as ever with SRE teaching and our Art Event. It was brilliant to see so many of you at school supporting your children and their teachers. A special thank you to Mr Devlin for ensuring that SRE ran smoothly and to Mrs Gilham and Mrs Clark for organising our Art Day.

I am extremely pleased to announce that our Key Stage 2 SATs results have come in and we are shouting from the roof tops! We are officially above national average (by quite a way!) in EYFS, Phonics, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 results. In addition to the amazing Ofsted report we have had a BRILLIANT week!

Well done to Little Whirlpools who not only delivered a great class assembly this week but yet again have the best attendance!

Have a great weekend! 

James Ellis


Stars of The Week!

Well done to …. 

Grayling Butterfly:  Tommy Lowe

Glow Worm:  Alfie  Mew

Bumblebee:  Ruby Ferguson

Otter:   Nellie Wickham

Great Crested Newt:  Ella Hollman

Fen Orchid:  Molly Booth

Bottlenose Dolphin:  Whole Class

Red Kite:  Libby Mew

Osprey:  Luella Herrington

Hedgehog:  Luciana Paul

Little Whirlpool:  Sophie Burgess

V Moth:  Freya Whitehead

Deer:  Whole Class

Gwyniad:  Daisy Pluck

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