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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter Week 34 5th June—9th June 2017

Posted: Fri 9th Jun 2017

What a first week back! You will all be aware that Ofsted came back to visit us this week. We received a call at lunch time on Monday and they conducted a full inspection over the following 2 days. I am unable to tell you the outcome of the inspection until the report has been written and checked and unfortunately this process will take approximately 2-3 weeks.

What I can tell you is that all staff worked tirelessly to showcase all the amazing work we do at school, and they were suitably impressed. I’m sure you will join me in thanking them all for their hard work. During the 2 days, the inspectors commented on many occasions about your children and how wonderful they are. The phrase they used was that ‘they were a credit to the school’.  They were polite and articulate at all times and commented on their own love of learning and pride in their school.  So much so that the children have been treated to a cinema event this afternoon!

I would like to thank parents who completed the survey or spoke with the inspectors; there were some lovely comments about the work we do for your children. As soon as the report is ready we will provide you all with a copy and hold a presentation evening to explain the judgements.

Well done to  both Little Whirlpool and Deer class who achieved 100%  attendance this week! Super!

Have a great weekend!


Stars of The Week!

Well done to …. 

Grayling Butterfly:  Elsie Taylor

Glow Worm:  Frankie Farrant

Bumblebee:  Isabelle Jeeves

Otter:   Jenson Ladd-Talbot

Great Crested Newt:  Chloe Everett

Fen Orchid:  Ralph Pratt

Bottlenose Dolphin:  Jack Rye

Red Kite:  Amy Burns

Osprey:  Reggie Williams

Hedgehog:  Lydinne Olayode

Little Whirlpool:  Whole Class

V Moth:  Stanley Pratt

Deer:  Stanley Cairns

Gwyniad:  Jack Lazarus

Lunch Time Stars!

Well done to...

Isabelle Newbound

Jenson Witt-Morris

George O’Neill

Mille Walker

Harry Cook

Joy Wood

Lyla Simmons

Lara Gok

Lilya Paul

James Lawson

George Addison

Natalie Fitzgerald

Ryan Stephen

Bella Harding


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