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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter Week 26 20th March– 24th March 2017

Posted: Mon 27th Mar 2017

This week has been exciting with trips to Kew Gardens, walks to the local library and further development of our outdoor learning areas.

Y3 Red Kite’s assembly on Thursday gave us a crash lesson in the Iron Man by Ted Hughes and we learnt how to travel to school in French! Well done Red Kite class.

Red Nose Day has been brilliant—thank you to the School Council and Mr Devlin for organising the event. This afternoon your donations of cakes will be on sale—we hope to see you there!

Well done to Little Whirlpool class who achieved  98.7% attendance this week!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you Monday morning ready for the last week of term!    

James Ellis


Stars of The Week!

Well done to ….


Grayling Butterfly:  Hannah O’Shea

Glow Worm:  Ava Jarred

Bumblebee: Ruby Ferguson

Otter:   Rosie Kelly-Johnson

Great Crested Newt:  Nicholas Browning

Fen Orchid:  Blue Barnes

Bottlenose Dolphin:  Whole Class

Red Kite:  Whole Class

Osprey:  Mia Darlington

Hedgehog: Riley Taylor

Little Whirlpool:  Livvie Wallis

V Moth:  Kye Laming

Deer:  Ben Soanes

Gwyniad:  Megan Walker

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