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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter Week 21—15th February 2019

Posted: Tue 26th Feb 2019

It has been a busy half term and the children and staff alike have all worked very hard—so thank you everyone for making our school the hive of purposeful activity that it is! This half term we have squeezed so much in: Enterprise week, museum visits, history days, E Safety Learning and so much more!We have also launched Book Bingo—your children will be able to explain this to you! 

Next half term there is also lots on the agenda: Science week, World Book day and Red Nose Day—so look out for more information soon!

Thank you to all of you who have attended parent conferences over the last few days, it has been great to see so many of you. A reminder to those of you who were unable to make it that you need to make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher as early as you can next half term.

Have a restful half term—long may the sunshine continue!  See you on MONDAY 25th Feb at 8.40am.

James Ellis


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