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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter Week 17 8th-12th January 2018

Posted: Fri 19th Jan 2018

The children have settled back down to their school routines and work brilliantly and we are really impressed to see many “new and improved” attitudes too!

You will have seen our new attendance systems and I’d like to congratulate Lichtenstein for their attendance of 98.4% - well done!

Thank you to Rauschenberg Class for a great class assembly yesterday, we all really enjoyed hearing about your learning and were very impressed to learn that you wrote the assembly yourselves!

The week after next is Enterprise week  and on 2nd February we look forward to welcoming you into school again for our 3rd Look at My Learning Session. We are also looking forward to seeing you on 7th February for Parent Conferences. 

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who are going to be volunteering starting this term (and of course to our existing volunteers), we are delighted that you are willing to help and look forward to seeing the impact that this additional adult support will have on reading across the school.

Have a lovely weekend!                                


James Ellis


Stars of The Week!


Well done to ….

Goodall:  Thomas Scudder

Blake:  Tyler Jeeves

Goldsworthy:  Jeremiah Kumitse

O’Keeffe:  Lily Rose Kemp

Rousseau: Tyler Lund

Francis:  Lilya Paul

Baker:  Isabella Thorn

Lichtenstein:  Zac Cloud

Disney:  Zachary Reddish

Clements:  Ella Hawkridge

Rauschenberg:   Eva Ruby

Van Gogh:  Wiktoria Krzempek

Osborne:  Adam Barnes

Gaudi:  Kye Laming


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