Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter Week 13 4th –8th December 2017

Posted: Fri 15th Dec 2017

We are really in the swing with our preparations for Christmas now. Rehearsals are well under way  and we are really looking forward to welcoming you to our performances next week and the week after.  We also have some special assemblies coming up—we will be awarding our ambassador badges next week; if your child is lucky enough to receive one then there will be an email in your inbox! We will also be giving out our Head Teacher’s Awards on the last day of term, again you will receive an email if this involves your child!

We will hand out our 100% attendance awards on the last day of term.  There has been a great deal of lateness this term and this must improve from January; weekly letters will be given out to those who are late and repeat lateness will result in parents being called in for a meeting.  Punctuality is a life skill and children who are late for school disrupt the learning of others as well as their own—please make sure that your child arrives at school on time. 

Congratulations to Andy Goldsworthy class who won the attendance award this week with 99.17%.

Have a lovely weekend .          

James Ellis


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