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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter Week 12 27th November-1st December 2017

Posted: Fri 8th Dec 2017

Thank you to all of you who came to Look at My Learning this morning—we hope you found this to be both enjoyable and useful! As I’m sure you will ha e noticed preparations are well under way for the festive season! Rehearsals have begun for all of our Christmas performances and we hope you have been able to organise your diaries to come and see your children perform.

Thank you to Mr Mansell and his team for pro iding our 3 Christmas trees this year, the children were ery excited to see them this week!

Well done to Y1 O’Keeffe class for doing a lovely class assembly yesterday and also to Osborne class who won the atendance award this week.

Please can we remind you to send children to school in suitable clothing, including a tracksuit for PE it is very cold on the playground! Can I also remind you to please park responsibly—parking on the zig zags/yellow lines is dangerous and puts everyone’s safety at risk. We are all looking forward to the Christmas E ent this Saturday—and we
hope to see as many of you as possible there!

Have a lovely weekend!

James Ellis

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