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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter- Week 12 - November 2015

Posted: Fri 27th Nov 2015

We have had another good week and we are really looking forward to the Christmas Fayre after school today! The children are all looking really smart in their uniforms at the moment—everyone seems to have got used to wearing their ties! Can I just remind you that the only earrings that are permitted at school are  gold or silver studs—no hoops, dangly or coloured earrings are allowed. 

Y3 Paula Radcliffe Class did a fabulous sharing assembly this week—it was great to see so much writing! As you know, increasing the opportunities for extended writing across a range of subjects has been something that we are focussing on—our school improvement partner did a thorough scrutiny of children’s work from across the school with myself and Mrs Freeman on Wednesday and was impressed by the quantity and quality of writing that she saw. Well done to our cross country runners who did us proud on Saturday—thank you to all of the parents who have run the cross country club—it is wonderful that the children have had this opportunity. Apologies for the change of date of the anti-bullying exhibition—we had overlooked a clash in the diary! We look forward to showing the children’s work after school on Monday.

Finally, congratulations to Rowling Class who won the attendance award this week with 99.%.

Have a great weekend.       

James Ellis                                                                                                


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