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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter Week 11 20th-24th November 2017

Posted: Fri 1st Dec 2017

It has been a busy week! As you will have seen, Y5 set fire to the playground, Year 2 have been out and about and we have been inundated with gifts for the Christmas hampers!

The festive season is fast approaching and we wanted to let you know that our end of year performances are going to take on a slightly different format this year: Reception and KS1 will be performing the nativity as usual, Year 3 and Y6 will be doing a Christmas Singalong in St Mark’s Church and Y4 and 5 will be doing a Christmas Show. In addition Nursery will also be doing a Christmas Singalong here at school! We look forward to welcoming you to all of these events and will send information about timings and any costume requirements nearer the time (don’t panic—these will be very simple!)

Congratulations to Walt Disney class who achieved 99.48% attendance this week.   Well Done!! Have a lovely weekend!                                

James Ellis

Stars of The Week!

Well done to ….

Goodall: Bonnie Heath

Blake:  Daisy Sheir

Goldsworthy: Harry Woodley

O’Keeffe:  Alfie Mew

Rousseau: Annabella Bird

Francis:  Maisy King

Baker:  Nicholas Browning

Lichtenstein:  Jason Caller

Disney:  Bethany Harrison

Clements:  Freddie Snow

Rauschenberg:   John Cunningham

Van Gogh:  Neve Ladd-Talbot

Osborne:  Viking Day

Gaudi: Viking Day 


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