Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter- Week 11 - November 2015

Posted: Fri 20th Nov 2015

It has been another busy week, which was rounded off nicely with Y4 Offiah Class’s assembly yesterday. Mrs Freeman said that it was fabulous and can’t stop singing the Roman song—very annoying!!!  As you know it was anti-bullying week this week, so children should be up to speed with what they can do to prevent bullying and also what the consequences are for bullying at this school.

You will have noticed the drop in temperature this week—please make sure that your child has a suitable coat, hat, scarves and gloves to wear in the cold weather. We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Fayre next Friday—please read on and see how you can help with donations and volunteering on the day—all help is greatly appreciated! Mrs Greenslade has started her Forest School training and can’t wait to get things up and running. If you are able to offer your services in helping to prepare a space for Forest School please leave her or myself a message via email or the office.  Our external consultant  is in next week, she will be looking at work, observing lessons and talking to children to assess how we are doing as a school and what progress has been made since our Ofsted visit in May, we will let you know how we get on. Finally, congratulations to Baden Powell Class who won the attendance award this week with 99.3%.

Have a great weekend.       

James Ellis                                                                                                


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