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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 9th September 2022

Posted: Fri 9th Sep 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We were all saddened to hear of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passing away yesterday and on behalf of the children, staff and governors at the school, we send our condolences to The Royal Family. An extraordinary and amazing Queen with a remarkable life of service to her country and the Commonwealth is much loved by us all here at BHPS.

In our assembly this morning, we spoke to the children about the sad news of Queen Elizabeth II and at 10am today our whole school fell silent to reflect and remember The Queen. During the next few weeks, we will also participate in activities to commemorate her truly amazing and extraordinary life.

We have had a very busy week at BHPS and are delighted to advise that teaching staff across the school and pre-school have reported that children have settled well and are very happy.

As part of our monitoring, the leadership team has conducted learning walks this week. We are hugely impressed with how engaged the children are and the range of creative learning activities we have seen across the school. Our first ‘Buzz Day’ took place today in Year 3 where children learnt all about life during the Stone Age.

We are also delighted with how well our new Pre-school children have settled in. Our Reception children also look forward to starting with us for full days from Monday. These first few weeks in school for our youngest members of our school community are very important for both our children and families. We would like to give a very special mention to both our Pre-school and Reception staff team for working so hard with our youngest members of our school and making sure that the transition has been smooth. Also, thank you to the parents and carers of both Pre-school and Reception for doing such a fantastic job of preparing the children for their first weeks at school - it really has made all the difference.

We have also welcomed some new children into other year groups and we are delighted with how well they have adapted and settled.

Today (R-Y6) children will be bringing home Curriculum Maps, which will provide an overview of the term ahead. Homework will be issued today for children in Years 1-6. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Our Homework Policy can be found under the Policies section on this website 

Breakfast Club, BHPS Xtra and Xtra Mini 

Our Breakfast Club, After School Club and After School Club Mini are also fully available to our families. More information regarding fees, timings and booking details can be found on this website.

External Clubs

This week we have been delighted to welcome both Boom Arts Academy and Sporty Stars back to our school who are delivering some fantastic after school enrichment clubs. Next week, we are also delighted to welcome ‘The Creation Station’ to our school who will be delivering a fantastic after school art and creation club for children in Y2-6. J’amies Gymnastics Academy are also operating a brilliant gymnastics after school club at our school on a Thursday. For more information about these clubs, booking fees and details please visit the Clubs secton of this website

Internal Clubs

This week we have also started Year 5 and 6 Netball with Mrs Horgan on a Thursday after school, although sadly we had to cancel the first session due to the adverse weather. Also, we will soon be sending a letter to our parents/carers of children in years Y4-6 about opportunities for children to join our Biggin Hill Primary School Choir.

Lunch Club

This week we have also re-started our Lunch Club which offers an exciting range of games and activities for children to ‘drop in’ if they wish to. After consultation with the children who ‘dropped in’ to the club this week, we feel we have an exciting programme of activities for both our KS1 and KS2 children in place.

A very special ‘well done’ to our children that completed the Summer Reading Challenge. Any children that didn’t get the chance to share their certificate this morning in assembly are welcome to bring in their certificate next Friday for our 9am Celebration Assembly.

Unfortunately, we have received a few complaints regarding parking in both Old Tye Avenue and Jail Lane. We would like to ask for your assistance by asking drivers to park considerately for both collection and pick up. As a school we are very committed to keeping good relations with our neighbours and we thank you in advance for your support with this request.

Our very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman, Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Lawrence, SENCo and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



We are very excited to have been lucky enough to obtain some subsidised pantomime tickets for ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ at Bromley’s Churchill Theatre. Tickets are for the performance at 5.30pm, Thursday 15th December in premium seating. We are able to sell tickets to families for £25 per ticket instead of the usual cost of £40. Tickets are available to purchase on ParentPay, item reference Friends - Xmas Panto 2022 - Churchill Theatre. We much prefer it if tickets are purchased via Parentpay, however if you do need to pay by cash please bring this to the office in a named envelope and give it to one of the office staff - PLEASE DO NOT PUT THIS IN THE FRIENDS BOX.



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