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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 8th October 2021

Posted: Fri 8th Oct 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We started the week with a special whole school assembly led by Miss Wigfield, PSHE and RSE Lead, on mental health. After such a challenging 18 months for children, supporting the #HelloYellow campaign from YoungMinds was very important this year. Seeing the yellow additions to our school uniform was truly lovely this morning. I would like to thank Miss Wigfield, PSHE and RSE Lead and Mrs Sargeant, Family Liaison and Mental Health Lead, for organising the activities across the school this week.

On Wednesday, we were delighted to welcome parents and carers to our first Outreach Programme session which was on ‘Promoting Independence and Resilience’. This is the first of six outreach sessions we are running here at the school during this academic year. If you would like more information on our outreach programme or would like to book a place on one or all of the sessions, please contact Miss Knott, Inclusion Assistant at

I would also like to apologise to you all for the disruption at school collection time on Wednesday - this was due to an unplanned fire alarm that went off towards the end of the school day. As you would have seen, the London Fire Brigade attended and we were given clearance to re-enter the school building just after 3.15pm. This caused children to be dismissed late and we apologise for this. In this situation, safeguarding our children and staff is always our top priority. Well done to all of the children who were impeccably behaved throughout and are a true credit to the school.

Our Parent Consultation booking system opened up on Wednesday 6th October and will close on Wednesday 13th October at 12pm. Please do ensure that you have booked your child’s consultation with your child’s class teacher (R-Y6 only). These consultations are very important for both children and parents and carers. It is our expectation that all parents and carers attend consultations - please remember it is our preference that these are completed face to face this year, however, if you do need to attend these remotely, this can be arranged.

Today, Connie S, a former pupil at the school, is coming back to BHPS school to sell cakes for YoungMinds. Cakes will be available to purchase at the end of the school day. We followed Connie’s huge fundraising efforts and her very inspiring story at the end of the last academic year when she climbed Mount Snowdon to raise money for YoungMinds.

I am sorry to inform you that the Friends of Biggin Hill Primary School Fireworks display unfortunately is not going ahead this year.

Today our Book Fair will be taking place after school at 3.15pm in the KS2 Hall. The range of books available for children is always brilliant - there really is something for everyone. Please do try to support the school with your book purchases, as the more we sell the more books we can earn for our school. The Book Fair is also on next week - Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th October at 3.15pm.

Finally, please remember that it is INSET Day next Friday (15th October). Although Parent Consultations will be taking place until 10.50am, children are not allowed to be in school unless they are attending with their parents and carers for consultations.

My very best wishes for a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead


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