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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 8th July 2022

Posted: Fri 8th Jul 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

This morning we were treated to a wonderful assembly from year 2, Josephine Baker Class. Seeing how engaged the children are in their learning and how much confidence they have was wonderful. A very special ‘well done’ to them all and also to Mrs Windover and Mrs Sanford for preparing the children so well.

The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day last Friday. Thank you to all our amazing children for showing such sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the event and a very special ‘well done’ to J.K. Rowling for winning the Sports Day Cup for 2022.

The Friends of BHPS Summer Fair was also a fabulous after school event on Friday. From the feedback we received from families, I think this worked very well and rounded off a nice school community day. I would like to thank the Friends of BHPS for providing such a brilliant fair - there really was something for us all to enjoy and without their hard work this event would not have been possible. Thank you again to Mr and Mrs Appleby for lending us their sound system - the music on the playground was especially nice for our children!

We were delighted to be able to hold our rearranged mini Sports Day for our pre-school children on Wednesday and it was such a pleasure for us to be able to welcome our preschool families for this special event.

On Wednesday, we also held our final outreach session. The focus of this session was on ‘Managing Transitions’ which is especially important as the children come to end their school year and start another. If any families are concerned about the transition of their children from one year group to another, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.

We also welcomed our new Reception children to our 2nd Taster session on Wednesday afternoon. Once again, thank you to the Friends for providing the opportunity for parents and carers to purchase school uniforms that are both new and pre-loved.

Thank you to parents and carers that popped along to our stand at the Biggin Hill Carnival last Saturday. Mrs Helps, Mrs Sargeant and I had a very busy day both planting marigolds with children and also talking to other visitors about our school, pre-school and ‘Tea and Tots’ our baby and toddler group.

On Thursday, our year 6 children participated in a ‘Rock Choir’ concert at Charles Darwin School. It was such a wonderful opportunity for the children to be involved with such an exciting project. My thanks must go to Miss Mace, Head of Music at Charles Darwin School and also Miss Turner, Music Lead and our year 6 team for supporting the children so well during this project.

On Monday, we will be sending a letter home to parents and carers regarding teaching arrangements for next year, and on Tuesday children will enjoy an ‘All Change’ transition afternoon in school. Our transition afternoon is something we do each year. From our previous experience, it gives the children the opportunity to meet their new teacher, interact with support staff and start to become familiar with the new area of the school where they will be. We do also find this reduces any anxiety that the children may feel with respect to their next educational step.

Finally, we would like to advise that Miss Morilla, SCITT Student, who has been undertaking her final student placement with us, sadly leaves us today. Miss Morilla has been an outstanding addition to our team and we will all miss her. On behalf of the school, we wish Miss Morilla the very best with her teaching career and know that she will be an outstanding teacher and a wonderful addition to her new school.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Lawrence

Deputy Headteacher, SENCo and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

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