Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 7th July 2023

Posted: Fri 7th Jul 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a fun week in Year 6 who have enjoyed their Leaver’s Day in two parts - they went trampolining and enjoyed a BBQ on Tuesday and then had great fun during the water fight held on the field yesterday afternoon. They gave their teachers a good soaking which is always good to see! Thank you to the Leaver’s Committee for organising such a great event. Year 6 are also hard at work rehearsing for their end of year show - we can’t wait!

Our Summer Concert on Thursday was absolutely wonderful! We enjoyed some beautiful singing from the KS1 and Y3 choir and a number of brave children also performed solos on various musical instruments - we were so impressed! Well done to everyone and thank you so much to all of the families who came along to support! Thank you to Miss Turner for giving up her time to run the choir and for organisng the concert.

A massive thank you to the Friends for organising such a lovely Summer Fair after Sports Day last Friday! Though the weather was not kind - everybody “kept calm and carried on” and a great time was had by all. Thank you so much to everyone who stayed on to support the event - we know that the warm and dry of your living rooms was probably calling but we really appreciate you staying and spending your cash! All proceeds go back to the Friends to spend on equipment for the school and to provide lots of lovely events for the children.

We are looking forward to the Summer Discos next week. Please make sure you buy your tickets in advance - the discos are always great fun! The Year 6 Prom will be on Friday and I know that the children and staff are really looking forward to it.

Fingers crossed that the predicted warmer weather holds over the weekend and that you all enjoy some family time. We look forward to welcoming children back to school on Monday for a very busy final two weeks!

Have a great weekend!

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 


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