Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 6th January 2023

Posted: Fri 6th Jan 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year!

A warm welcome back to school to all our children and families - we hope you all had a marvellous Christmas and had the opportunity to see family and friends. The children have returned well and are very happy and settled.

I am also delighted to welcome Mrs Mason, Aspire Lead, back to school after a period of absence. Mrs Mason will be initially joining us on a phased return.

On Thursday we held our last set tour for families with children due to start Reception in 2023. Our BHPS open events, which were held in November 2022, and our set tours have been very well attended. It is always a pleasure to welcome prospective families to our school - our children have shown the most amazing behaviour for learning during these tours and our visitors have commented on the excellent behaviour and politeness of our children. These first impressions are very important for us as a school and the children have ALL helped to show what a wonderful school we are - please do thank them! The national closing date for applications for children due to start school in September 2023 is 15 January 2023.

Towards the end of last term, I sent a consultation letter for both our proposed timings of the school day (from September 2023) and our draft school uniform policy. Both of these consultations close on 13th January. If you would like to provide your feedback and have not already done so, please do so by completing the previously sent Google form to indicate how you would prefer the school day to be adjusted.

We have drafted a new school uniform policy which is available in draft format on this website and we would like to seek your views on this. We have removed all expectations for branded items with the exception of the school tie, though a logoed cardigan or jumper is preferred. The only significant change that we are proposing is the phased introduction of black PE shorts rather than white, as we feel that white PE shorts are impractical.

If you would like to share your views about this policy, please do so directly via email to

We welcome your feedback and views - both consultations will close on 13th January at 3.30pm.

Finally, our Parent Forum and Class Representative meeting (the first meeting for this academic year) will be held on Wednesday, 11th January at 9am. If you do have anything that you would like raised that is not specific to your child, please do let your class representative know. We are also looking for a class representative for Pyramid, Colosseum and Sydney Opera House classes. If you would like to find out more about this voluntary role, please contact Mrs Helps at for an informal chat.

On Thursday, 12th January at 1.45pm, the Friends of BHPS will be holding their next meeting - do come along and find out more about the Friends and how they support the school.

A very special ‘thank you’ to the volunteers who are assisting Mr Walpole this afternoon with the removal of the tyres on our KS2 playground - your support is very much appreciated!

Finally, we are currently recruiting for a cleaner, 10 hours per week (2 hours per day) either before or after school (preferably after). For more information, please contact Mrs Lawrence at or myself directly.

We are all looking forward to a busy and exciting term ahead.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman
Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead


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