Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 5th June 2020

Posted: Tue 7th Jul 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

It gives me enormous pleasure to welcome back our children both in school and remotely after such a beautiful and sunny half term. I would like to extend my very warm wishes to all our families and hope everyone is safe and well.

For children in school, we have put rigorous and robust plans in place to ensure that children are kept as safe as possible but provided with as much normality as we can give. Children have enjoyed outdoor PE and Forest School sessions, as well as used
our outside space as much as possible!

Thank you to families during drop-off and collection times for your extra patience and understanding around the systems we have put in place. If you have any questions, concerns or are worried about anything, please do not hesitate to contact
myself, Mrs Freeman or Mrs Lawrence. If any families feel they need any support, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or Mrs Sargeant, our Family Worker and Inclusion Assistant.

For all our children, we are completely focussed on their learning and development both in school, remotely at home and with our childcare key worker provision in school. Children in school have been delivered the same core learning provision
that children have access to via Google Classrooms at home.

On behalf of my entire staff team, I must thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your wonderful emails, messages and support. We have such a firm and solid community in our school and we will emerge with far more strength than we ever
realised possible. We are truly delighted to have our doors open again and we will support our amazing children and families as much as we can!

Your children have risen to the many challenges this pandemic has presented; they have shown resilience, strength and empathy - I congratulate each and every one of them. 

I send my very best wishes to all our children and their families - keep strong, keep busy and please stay as safe as possible.

Warm regards,
Mr Ellis

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