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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 4th March 2022

Posted: Fri 4th Mar 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a brilliant World Book Day at BHPS and the effort that has gone into costumes and bringing book characters to life is just wonderful. Children have thoroughly enjoyed a day full of reading related activities - we’ve all gone a bit book mad today! We very much hope that parents and carers enjoyed the opportunity to come into school both this morning and afternoon to share a book with their children and that children enjoyed the ‘decorate a spoon’ competition. We have also received some great pictures of children reading in unusual places. Thank you to Mrs Lucas, Literacy Lead, for organising activities for both KS1 and KS2 today.

On Monday, Jesse Owens Class welcomed history teachers and pupils’ from Charles Darwin School to deliver a history workshop. The day was a great success and we very much hope to welcome them back soon.

This week, children in year 6 have had a ‘SATS practice week’. The children have conducted themselves so well and have approached the week with positivity and endeavour! Thank you to Mr Devlin, Assistant Headteacher, for pulling together the week and to the many staff involved in helping to deliver the tests.

Thank you also to the Friends of Biggin Hill Primary School for organising and running the Spring Dance school discos this week. I think a great time was had by all!

Within this newsletter, we also have provided a write up of Careers and Aspirations Day which took place on Friday 25th February. The school was such a hive of careers related learning and enriched with guest speakers from a range of sectors - please see the article on page 2 and 3 to find out more about our speakers and the day.

On Wednesday, I forwarded you all the presentation from Number Day which took place on 4th February. It was great to support the work of the NSPCC on the day and, due to everyone's generosity, we raised £392 for the NSPCC. I very much hope this presentation has provided you with a flavour of how we celebrated Number Day throughout the school and would like to thank Mrs Buchanan, Maths Lead, for pulling this presentation together for the school.

Today we also said farewell to Mrs D’Monte and we wish her all the very best in her new role. We are also delighted to welcome Miss Rance, who has joined our pre-school team to cover Miss Kemp’s maternity leave.

Finally, as the situation in Ukraine escalates, I very much hope that my email sent on 28th February will help to guide discussions with children if they are asking questions or concerned at all. If you do feel that you need any further support or guidance on how to handle these sorts of discussions with children, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the lighter days!

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead





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