Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 3rd March 2023

Posted: Fri 3rd Mar 2023

We have had a fantastic World Book Day at BHPS and the effort that has gone into costumes and bringing book characters to life is just wonderful. Children have thoroughly enjoyed a day full of reading related activities and on Monday the children enjoyed a fabulous whole school ‘The Masked Reader’ assembly! We very much hope that parents and carers enjoy the opportunity to come to school this afternoon to share a book with their child. We will be delighted to welcome Preschool parents and carers from 2.30-3pm and R-Y6 parents and carers from 2.45-3.10pm. Dismissal arrangements will be as normal. We also hope that children enjoyed the ‘decorate a potato’ competition. Mr Devlin will be judging all entries at the end of the day on Friday - there will be one winner per year group. The winners will be announced in school this afternoon and will be published in next week’s BHPS Newsletter. Thank you to Mrs Lucas, Literacy Lead, for organising World Book Day and our school activities for both KS1 and KS2 today.

It was wonderful for our staff to welcome parents and carers to the BHPS Community Coffee Morning on Wednesday. We hope that the opportunity to purchase some pre-loved uniform and browse our stands over a tea or coffee was both useful and beneficial. We are currently looking at providing some more regular pre-loved uniform sale dates, so please look out for further information regarding this in the coming weeks.

On Monday, we are all looking forward to Careers and Aspirations Day and we are
delighted to have the most amazing day planned for the children. We have a range
of fabulous speakers coming into school, some exciting workshops and a range of careers related learning activities. We will provide a full write up of the day in our BHPS Newsletter in the coming weeks, so please do look out for this!

I am also delighted to advise that the Governors have recently approved our School Uniform Policy, which is also available to view on this website. One of the notable changes, as highlighted in my consultation letter dated 13th December 2022, is the move to black PE shorts. Please do not worry about this for the moment as any
changes will happen over a period of time. We are not quite yet in the position to offer black shorts on ParentPay, however we are working with our supplier and will be in contact by letter separately about this. Please do wait for this letter as it will have
further instructions and I am sure will answer most questions.

You may be aware that Mrs Lawrence and her team have planned Outreach sessions across this academic year. These will now take a slightly different approach. Instead of being held at set times in school and via Zoom, Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Sargeant and Miss Knott will be sending regular updates via the Inclusion Bulletin - Same but Different. If you wish to meet with the Inclusion team, please email them directly or make contact via the office.

Please take the opportunity to pop in to our Book Fair, which is taking place after school in the KS2 Hall today, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Children will be bringing home a World Book Day book token today to spend at the fair!

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman
Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead





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