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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 3rd December 2021

Posted: Fri 3rd Dec 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was lovely to welcome parents and carers into school on Monday for the Ambassadors Assembly. This is always something that both Mrs Lawrence and I very much enjoy - seeing children become ambassadors for our values is such a pleasure. Well done to everyone who received either an Ambassador or Special Recognition badge.

Thank you to everyone for acting so swiftly on Tuesday with the wearing of masks whilst on the school site. I hope the reintroduction of the blue exit gate from our grounds is easing congestion during busy times. Although we cannot enforce mask wearing, we are asking that we all show our consideration for others by wearing a mask at these very busy times.

To date our Christmas plans remain unchanged and we are committed to trying to ensure that children enjoy all that Primary School life has to offer at Christmas! Of course, if guidance from the DfE is updated, we will keep you informed and will act immediately. I would like to reiterate the importance of LFD testing and ask that, if you are visiting or coming into school for a meeting, to watch a performance or for another reason that you test before you come in. Although we cannot enforce this we would appreciate your efforts in doing what you can to keep the school community safe as we approach the Christmas holiday.

Children and teaching staff are very busy preparing for the Christmas shows; this week it has been a pleasure to hear children singing and to see them rehearsing. We haven’t cracked open the glitter yet….but it won't be long!

This week, tickets will have been issued for productions. Thanks to Mrs Churchward, Mrs Snelling, Ms McLaren and Mrs Rooney for organising and dispatching all tickets for the school. I must remind all families that tickets MUST be obtained in advance for these events.

Just a reminder about the donations for Bromley Foodbank. If you feel that you are able to contribute, please bring your donations in on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th December - all donations are greatly appreciated.

Finally, we are all very excited for our BHPS Christmas Fair. This promises to be a brilliant event and will raise much needed funds for our school. We would love to see as many families there as possible. Please see our advert on page 3 for more details.

Our ‘Tea and Tots’ Christmas party is on 7th December and tickets for this event are now sold out. Mrs Sargeant and Mrs Helps are very much looking forward to the ‘Tots’ Christmas party. I think there may well be a very special guest arriving for these VIP’s on the day of the party!

We are all very much looking forward to a fun and festive week next week in school.

If further changes to our routines and procedures are necessary or if we do have to change Christmas plans, we will endeavour to let parents and carers know as soon as we are able to. If anyone does have any questions or concerns, please do let myself, Mrs Lawrence or a member of staff know.

We are all very good at ‘pulling together’ for the children at BHPS and our school community. We will do our very best to make their last few ‘Christmas’ weeks of this half term as memorable as we can.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead




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