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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 31st March 2023

Posted: Fri 31st Mar 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

This morning it was our pleasure to host our Head Teacher Awards assembly in school. Presenting these awards is always something that makes us feel incredibly proud - well done to all the recipients of these special awards.

Yesterday afternoon I sent a letter (Reception - Year 6 only) asking for you to complete our Parent/Carer Spring Survey. Please do take a moment to complete this short survey as your views are very important to us. With your feedback we can continue to further improve the school and make it the very best we can for all our wonderful children and families.

Today the children have all enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt, which has been organised by the Friends of BHPS. Thank you so much to them all for providing a little fun for our children today - although a little wet, a brilliant time was had by all!

On Tuesday, Mrs Sargeant, Miss Knott and Mrs Spear also held a ‘Tea and Tots Easter
Party’, which was enjoyed by our babies and toddlers and their parents and carers. My
thanks to them all for organising this special event for our VIP’s!

The children have had a fabulous Science Week this week - we have seen all sorts of experiments and fun related science learning activities across the school - the children have very much enjoyed it! Year 3 also enjoyed a ‘Light’ Workshop which was delivered by Fizz Pop Science. Thank you to Miss O’Mahony and Ms Reed for taking the lead on this for the school. 

Our Reception children also enjoyed their trip to Godstone Farm yesterday. This is such a brilliant and fun first school trip and I am sure one they will remember! Thank you to our Reception team for organising and for taking the children.

On Tuesday, our School Council very kindly took all your amazing donations of Easter Eggs to the elderly people at Biggin Hill Community Care. Mrs Snelling, Mrs Helps and Mrs Spear took the children on this very important first visit for the School Council. The children spent just over an hour chatting to some of the elderly people in our community. Mrs Snelling, School Council Lead, said ‘I felt proud to be part of this event and to show how much we appreciate all that the elderly people in Biggin Hill have done for us.’

Mrs Helps, Mrs Snelling and Mrs Spear commented on how amazing the children were with the elderly people and how much they enjoyed chatting to them all - their behaviour was also impeccable. Biggin Hill Community Care were very touched by our visit and all your kind donations. We hope this will be the start of a lovely relationship as we have already been invited to attend some other community events with them!

The School Council also held their first Council Cake Sale on Wednesday afternoon and raised a staggering £210. It was such a success, we decided to sell the final few cakes informally after school on Thursday. Your generosity has been incredible and without
your cake donations it would not have been possible. After Easter, the School Council will begin looking at what other events they would like to host as well as what they would like to spend the money raised on!

We were blown away with the generous Easter Egg and cake donations. We are so grateful to each of you for your kindness - thank you so very much!

This week, our Year 6 children have undertaken some mock style SATs - these have been held to enable the children to feel more settled and to know what to expect when they sit these important tests in May. All staff working with the children have commented on how brilliantly they have approached this week and how hard they have worked - well done to them all. My thanks to all the staff involved this

A huge ‘thank you’ to Mrs Chapman for organising the Xmas4Schools Coronation artwork project in conjunction with the school. To confirm, all cards received have now been sent to Xmas4Schools for processing. For families where artwork was returned to us, you will shortly receive an email from Xmas4Schools with details of how to order. We are not able to accept any more returned artwork at school.

Although we are closed for the Easter break, we are delighted The Bromley Children & Families Voluntary Sector Forum is holding their Multi Activity Camp at the school. This is such a brilliant initiative and opportunity for families in need within the
local community and within the London Borough of Bromley. To check for eligibility, please visit:

I would also like to remind our Year 4 families that Year 4 swimming lessons start on the first Monday back. Please refer to Mrs Sanford’s letter sent on 15th March for kit requirements.

As we approach a two week break from school, I would like to thank the staff team here for all their hard work during what has been an exceptionally busy term! As a school, we are busier than ever and I very much hope staff and their families have
a lovely, restful Easter break.

I would like to thank each and every one of our children for all their fabulous work -they are incredible and make BHPS the very special place that it is - we are very proud of them all!

I wish all our children and families a fabulous Easter break and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday 17th April.

Have a wonderful Easter.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman
Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

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