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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 31st March 2021

Posted: Wed 31st Mar 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was our first ever virtual Ambassador Assembly on Monday. My sincere apologies for the technical issues experienced; we thank you for your understanding and will do our best to rectify these issues and make the experience better for children and parents / carers in the future.

On Monday morning the entire school took part in a practice fire drill. A practice drill is necessary as part of our statutory obligations but, more importantly, so our entire school community knows what to do in the event of an emergency. The drill went very smoothly and Mrs Lawrence and I were impressed with the maturity that the children displayed during this event.

Earlier today we were very proud to virtually present Headteacher Awards - congratulations to the recipients of these very special awards and thank you to those parents / carers for attending.

This week we have enjoyed Science Week and children have enjoyed participating in investigations and learning more about this exciting subject! I must thank Ms Reed, Science Lead, for planning and arranging all learning activities across the school.

Our internal COVID Recovery Meetings have now all been completed and the outcome of these will very much inform our planning for the remainder of this academic year. We have a very robust plan in place for meeting the needs of the children through quality first teaching and interventions for the summer term which address any gaps that may have arisen.

I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the brilliant staff team here at BHPS for their continued hard work, dedication and support and wish them all a very restful break.

As the term draws to a close, I would like to thank you all for your support during this first term back - we could not do what we do without your continued support - thank you! The children have been exceptional this term with both their behaviour and engagement in learning - we are very proud of them all!

Please remember that it is our INSET day tomorrow and school is closed to children.

On behalf of everyone at our school, I wish you all a very restful and lovely Easter break.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

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