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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 27th January 2022

Posted: Fri 28th Jan 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

My sincere apologies to parents and carers of 4B and Mrs Buchanan for having to postpone their class assembly this week. This is never a decision that I take lightly and very much hope to be in a position to announce a new assembly date soon.

On Monday, parents and carers of children in Reception to Year 6 will have received a letter regarding Careers and Aspirations Day, which is taking place on Friday 25th February 2022. Our aim is to ensure that the children have a fun and informative day that showcases the range of career opportunities that are available to them in the future. We are very keen to hear from any parents and carers who would like to come in and take part in our KS2 Careers Fair or speak to children in either KS1 or KS2 about their job/career. We are in the throes of organising the programme for the day, therefore, if you would like to come in and are only available for an hour or two between 9am - 10am or 10.30 to 11.30/12noon, please do let us know. Our amazing children always look forward to visitors in school - if you are interested and would like to be involved, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Helps at or contact her via the main office number. We are particularly interested in people who have a job which challenges a particular gender stereotype for example a male nurse or a female builder - it is important that children feel that a wide range of careers are open to them regardless of their gender.

On Wednesday we sent a letter to parents and carers of children in R-Y6 regarding Parent Consultations. This year these will take place on Thursday 10th February from 3.30-6.50pm and also from 8.30-10.50am on Friday 11 th February, please note that Friday 11th is also an INSET day. Jesse Owens Class (Miss O’Mahony’s class) will be holding parent consultations on Tuesday 8th February from 3.30-5.30pm and Wednesday 9th February from 3.30-6.50pm. The booking system for parent consultation slots will open at 8am on Wednesday 2nd February and will close on Wednesday 9th February at 12.00pm. All slots need to be booked via your Arbor log in.

Earlier in the week we also sent a letter to parents and carers regarding Number Day, which is taking place on 3rd February. We are very much looking forward to supporting the NSPCC and hope that we can raise much needed funds for this important charity. As part of Number Day, we will also be taking part in Dress up for Digits and invite children to wear an item of clothing with a number on it (football shirt, cap, netball shirt or even a onesie). Children can be as creative as they wish by dressing up in a full number themed outfit or by making a maths hat or they can keep it simple and wear their favourite sports number. Don’t forget, there is no need to purchase anything expensive, please use what you have from around the house. Although we are suggesting a £2 donation, we really would appreciate any change that you feel you are able to give.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead







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