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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 26th November 2021

Posted: Fri 26th Nov 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

We started this week with a visit from the ‘Wonderdome’ to support the children's learning in science. Children in Yr R,3,5 were fascinated to visit this mobile planetarium and enjoy an immersive experience of our universe - I think it will be a science lesson they remember! My thanks to Ms Reed, Science Lead, for organising this exciting lesson for our school.

I would like to thank our KS2 Choir (Y4/5/6 children) for singing so beautifully at the Biggin Hill Christmas lights ‘Switch On’ last Saturday. Mrs Windover and Mr Devlin were both very excited to tell me how amazingly all the children sang and how well they represented Biggin Hill Primary School.

Last Friday, it was good to be able to have the school photographer here for individual and sibling photographs - the children were exceptionally well behaved and looked so smart. Thank you to Mrs Lineker for expertly organising the logistics of the day!

On Tuesday, I sent out a letter asking for donations for Bromley Foodbank. If you feel that you are able to contribute, please bring your donations in on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th December - all donations are greatly appreciated.

I was delighted to show Mr Aston Smith, soon-to-be the new headteacher at Charles Darwin School, around the school on Thursday. It was a pleasure to welcome Mr Smith to the school, introduce him to the children and staff. Of course, we will miss Mr Chotai, however, I am very much looking forward to working with Mr Smith and to further developing the relationship between the two schools.

Thank you to the many parents and carers who have provided donations for our Christmas Fair Hampers. Your generosity is very much appreciated. I know the Friends are very much looking forward to making the Christmas Hampers up for our Christmas Fair - I am sure these are going to be amazing!

Children in Y1-6 have also enjoyed a demonstration from some woodwind musicians. The musicians played some pieces which the children recognised to encourage a love of music. The musicians, who are both highly qualified and specialist music teachers, are both offering lessons (chargeable) at Biggin Hill Primary School. If you are interested in this opportunity for your child, please see our article on page 3. Thank you to Miss Turner, Music Lead, for organising this beautiful demonstration for the children.

I would also like to mention Mr Day this week, who has been responsible for the startup of both our Cross Country and Football clubs. Being able to offer these enrichment opportunities is very important for our children for both physical fitness and wellbeing. Mr Day could not run these on his own, and I would very much like to thank Ms McLaren for supporting Mr Day to run the Cross Country Club.

This morning, it was great to wave off the children on another school trip - year 4 are all at the Science Museum today! We are sure that they will have a great day.

We hope that the publication of the upcoming Christmas events programme (which is mostly unchanged from the calendar sent in July) and the term dates for next year helps families with some forward planning!

Finally, earlier in the week, I received an email from Bromley Brighter Beginnings thanking us for our huge donation of toothbrushes from our ‘Toothbrushes for Team Points’ campaign that we ran in September and October. It was very nice to be recognised as a school on their facebook page. 

We are busier than ever at BHPS; the children put so much effort into their learning and the staff are working hard to make sure that the curriculum engages and enthuses them. We are all looking forward to a great Christmas term BHPS style!

Let the festivities begin!

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead



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