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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 26th May 2023

Posted: Fri 26th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have enjoyed two fabulous celebration assemblies in school this week - on Monday we had an Ambassadors assembly and on Thursday we had our Special Recognition assembly. It is always such a privilege for myself and the leadership team to be able to award these special badges - well done to all the recipients of these special awards.

I would like to pass on an enormous ‘well done’ to our Year 2 children for completing their SATs over the last two weeks. Our Year 2 teaching team are very proud of the effort and attitude shown towards these tests. My thanks to Mrs Lucas, Mrs Windover and the many staff involved in administering these SATs over the last few weeks.

Today the children have all enjoyed the Sponsored Bounce and I would like to thank the Friends of BHPS for organising this brilliant fundraising event for the school.

On Tuesday, I wrote to parents and carers about both dogs on site and also the green gates in the morning and I would just like to reiterate that we do need your support with both of these matters please. On Thursday, Mrs Sanford also wrote to everyone regarding the guidance with respect to the wearing and taping of earrings in PE. Again, if you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs
Sanford, PE Lead, at or myself directly.

On Wednesday, we also sent a letter to you all about the proposed expansion of our fabulous preschool. The decision to expand has been taken due to a growing need for full time preschool places in the local area and the increasing pressures on school budgets and the need for schools to generate their own streams of income. Our preschool has now been operational for over 5 years and has an excellent reputation. We are very excited about the proposed expansion of our preschool and to this end, we are delighted to announce our Preschool set tour dates on: 

15th June, 22nd June, 29th June and 6th July. All tours will start at 9.30am and must be pre booked by emailing Hannah Belaon, Preschool Manager, at or by calling our school office on 01959 575846. We do encourage you to bring your toddler along so we can get to know them.

We have recently had a new kitchen fitted in our preschool and on behalf of the school, I would like to thank Howdens in Biggin Hill for their very kind donation! The new preschool kitchen was very kindly fitted by Mr Trantom, a parent at the school and also the director of CMT Building Services. Mr Trantom very kindly gave up his time to fit this and we are extremely grateful! We would like to extend our enormous thanks to Mr Trantom at CMT Building Services and the team at Howdens Biggin Hill (Mr Francis and staff) for this truly amazing donation to our school. I would also like to mention Mr Brocklehurst, a parent to the school, for working with Howdens to bring this project to fruition for the preschool.

On Wednesday afternoon, Miss Wigfield, PSHE Lead, held a drop in session for parents and carers after school regarding more information about the content of the RSHE lessons, which will be taught in the summer term to children in Y1-6. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact either Miss Wigfield or myself directly.

Please keep an eye on the ‘Diary Dates’ section of this newsletter as we are now approaching a very busy time of the year.

Yesterday, we placed an advert for a Site Manager to join our staff team from September 2023. If anyone would like to discuss this opportunity, please contact Mrs Burton, School Business Manager at:

Next week, we all look forward to half-term. There is an INSET DAY on Monday, 5th June where school will be closed to children.

It really has been a very busy half-term at BHPS and, along with the leadership team, I would like to thank the staff team for their hard work. The children have been exceptional this half-term and I wish all our families a wonderful break.

I look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Tuesday, 6th June.

Have a wonderful half-term.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

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