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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 25th November 2022

Posted: Fri 25th Nov 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was a pleasure to welcome so many parents and carers last Friday afternoon to ‘Show my Learning’ where the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their work with you - thank you all so much for coming.

On Monday this week, Mrs Lucas was delighted to welcome so many Reception and Year 1 parents and carers to our Phonics and Early Reading workshop. We hope you found this informative and the visit to your child's class to see phonics teaching in action was both fun and beneficial! Mrs Lucas also forwarded Reception and Year 1 parents and carers some very useful websites which will help with supporting reading and phonics at home. Thank you to Mrs Lucas, Literacy Lead, for holding the workshop and also to our teaching staff for being so accommodating and sharing the teaching of
phonics with you.

On Monday, our year 6 children enjoyed their trip to Lullingstone Country Park. Although the day was wet and cold, the children showed exceptional resilience and impeccable behaviour! Thanks again to our year 6 team and volunteers for taking and looking after the children so brilliantly.

For the children who expressed an interest in watching England’s opening World Cup game on Monday afternoon, we permitted an ‘off curricular’ 90 minutes. It is fair to say that the enjoyment and cheers throughout the school could be heard far and wide! The vibe throughout the school was just brilliant - come on England!

Thank you for your very kind donations for Bromley Foodbank on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Today Mrs Sargeant was delighted to pass on our collective school community donations to this amazing charity and they were received with huge gratitude and thanks. 

Earlier in the week we wrote to you all with our Christmas arrangements and hope these events will be enjoyed by all. We always enjoy the festive season at BHPS and aim to ensure that our children have very fond memories of these events!

On Tuesday, Miss O’Mahony, Assistant Headteacher, sent out a questionnaire to find out how you feel we are doing with promoting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the school. If you have not already done so, we would be very grateful if you could please complete so we can find out how you feel we are doing.

This is a very busy time of the year for the Friends of BHPS. Thanks to them all for selling pre-loved Christmas jumpers (donated by our parent/carer community) and school uniforms after school on Wednesday. Pre-loved uniforms will next be on sale at the Christmas Fair on 9th December.

Can we just remind all families that the deadline for ‘Elfridges’, which will take place in school on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th December, is 4pm on Tuesday 29th November. Payment can be made online via ParentPay or in cash. If paying by cash, please ensure you complete the slip. This is a lovely opportunity for the children to buy gifts for parents and carers in a safe and secure environment.

If you would like to purchase raffle tickets for the Christmas Raffle at the Christmas Fair, please return your duplicate raffle ticket strip to the Friends of BHPS. Please ensure that your contact details are written on the reverse of each individual ticket and payment of 50p per ticket or £2 per strip – marked for the attention of “BHPS – Raffle” is placed in the Friend’s box in the main office. Please note that payment can only be made in cash.

Today was also school photos day which is a day where the day is a little out of normal routines. We would just like you all to know that children from pre-school to year 6 were brilliant throughout today and a credit to the school! 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Our very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman - Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs  Lawrence - SENCo, Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead








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