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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 25th June 2021

Posted: Fri 25th Jun 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

My sincere apologies for having to write to you all earlier in the week with regards to parent/carers attendance at Sports Day. I am sure you will understand that this was a decision that we didn’t take lightly - the logistics of providing this safely within the guidance was not workable. Nevertheless, on Friday 2nd July, children across the school will enjoy a sports themed day with our KS2 Sports Day taking place in the morning and KS1 Sports Day taking place in the afternoon. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on this day. Information about Nursery Sports Day will be communicatedseparately. My thanks must go to Miss Farrell and Mr Day as well as our support staff for organising this event.

I am delighted to announce that from September, Mr Devlin will be our new Assistant Headteacher. Mr Devlin will lead on Achievement and Assessment throughout the school as well as teach in year 6. On behalf of the governing body and staff here, I congratulate Mr Devlin on this appointment and from September look forward to welcoming him to the senior leadership team.

This week, some of our year 6 children participated in Bikeability. This was a brilliant opportunity for the children to learn an important skill that they will be able to use to keep them safe. We were also delighted to receive some brilliant feedback from the trainers on the children's engagement, behaviour and participation.

On Wednesday, I had the pleasure of virtually welcoming our new reception families to our school community. Although we were not able to welcome them personally, we are very much looking forward to their children joining the BHPS family in September!

Next week, children across the school will enjoy a virtual assembly and session all about road safety - please look out for a letter about this in your email. Children in R-Y6 will also have the opportunity to enter our very own ‘Perfect Parking’ competition and will be bringing home a competition entry letter next Friday.

This is a very busy term for us in terms of assessments,events and transition for children. With this in mind, can I draw your attention to my letter dated 17th June. This can be viewed on our website:

With the exception of our parents/carers attendance at SportsDay, all dates currently remain as planned. I have also added the diary dates on the second page of this newsletter for ease.

As we approach the last few weeks of this term, please can I ask that we all do everything possible to uphold our systems of controls. We very much want the children to enjoy the last fewremaining weeks in school with their friends after what has been a very difficult academic year for them all.

Have a great weekend everyone!

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman
Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead



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