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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 24th February 2023

Posted: Fri 24th Feb 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been so nice to welcome everyone back to school this week to what I hope will be a brilliant term. The children have really enjoyed being back - as have the staff!

This morning Mrs Lawrence was delighted to welcome parents and carers to 4E’s Class Assembly. The children really demonstrated how much they have learned and how engaged they are in their learning at school.

On 10th February we wrote to families regarding World Book Day, which we are celebrating in school on Friday 3rd March rather than Thursday due to so many children having Forest School on Thursday. The focus of the day is the enjoyment of reading and the pleasure that stories give us. On Monday 27th February, we have a special assembly ‘The Masked Reader’ where children will need to guess which member of staff is reading a story behind the mask!

We encourage children to dress up on World Book Day as their favourite book character for the day, however we also appreciate that not all children like dressing up. Instead, pupils can wear their own clothes and bring in an object connected to their favourite character e.g. a wand for Harry Potter. There will be no P.E. lessons on Friday 3rd March.

We also encourage children to bring their favourite book from home to share with the class. It may or may not be connected to who they have dressed up as. Please name your child’s book.

After our successful decorate a spoon competition last year, this year it’s the turn of the potato! Entries to the competition are to be brought to school on Friday 3rd March only.

We are excited to welcome parents and carers into school on World Book Day from 2:45pm to share a book with your child. Please enter individual classrooms through their external doors. Parents and carers with siblings will be able to use the external doors to move from classroom to classroom. Dismissal for all children will be at the normal time of 3:15pm. Please do not worry if you can’t attend because all staff will be reading stories to groups of children who do not have a parent or carer who can make it. Pre-school will also be taking part and parents and carers can join their children from 2:30pm.

Yesterday we sent a ‘Costume Flyer’ to all families. We are very keen to hold a small supply of fancy dress or curriculum themed costumes in school. If you do have any unwanted costumes, please pop them into main reception - it would be great to have any donations in time for World Book Day.

We will also be holding the Book Fair at school again, which will take place in the KS2 hall after school from Friday 3rd March to Wednesday 8th March.

Just before the end of the half-term, the leadership team held Pupil Progress Reviews (PPRs) with teaching teams across the school and the information from these important reviews will inform our teaching this term. Children in both year 2 and 6 will
be preparing for statutory assessments, which will be taking place in all primary schools across England.

Yesterday we sent a letter to parents and carers of children in Year 1, 2 and 3 regarding our KS1 Choir which we are delighted to be starting on Friday 10th March. The Choir will meet in Ms Turner’s classroom (Reception, Taj Mahal Classroom). If your
child would like to join, please complete the slip at the bottom of the letter and return to your child's class teacher. Places will be offered to children who attend the choir regularly each week and will be limited. If the choir becomes full we will operate a waiting list.

We also sent a letter yesterday regarding the closure of our school gates, which will be effective from Monday 27th February. If you do have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the main office or speak to me or a member of the leadership team
on the gate.

We are also delighted to welcome you to our BHPS Community Coffee Morning which is taking place on Wednesday, 1st March at 8.45-9.40am. The coffee morning is an opportunity for you to purchase preloved school uniform, meet the Inclusion team,
purchase some second hand books and talk to Mrs Helps about volunteering at the school. Also, if you do have any fancy dress costumes that you would like to donate, you can pop these into us at the coffee morning.

We are also looking forward to Careers and Aspirations Day on Monday 6th March. We have some very exciting activities for the children and are looking forward to welcoming some wonderful visiting speakers to school as well as Laura Tully, our Chair of Governors.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead



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