Posted: Mon 13th Jan 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you and your families; I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas break and feel ready to embrace the new half term.
This week in assembly the children learnt about New Year resolutions and what this means for us in school. We spoke about setting ourselves a goal or challenge linked to the school environment and how this would positively impact our learning experiences. The children made wonderful suggestions such as working on specific letters for handwriting, going to bed earlier to feel ready for the school day (this was mine!), improving times table knowledge and being considerate of others who may be having a tricky day.
On the weekend of the 25th and 26th of January, the school will be undergoing a deep clean and therefore your child will be bringing home any belongings they have in school on Friday the 24th - I will send another reminder about this nearer the time, however a carrier bag may be useful if your child keeps welly boots in school for example.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Best Wishes,
Mrs Lawrence
Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead
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