Posted: Fri 20th Dec 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
I want to end this term by saying thank you. Thank you to you as parents and carers for the support you show the school, thank you to the team at BHPS for the amazing work they do with and for the children everyday and finally, but most importantly, thank you to the children for making it an easy decision to come to work everyday! The children have been nothing short of amazing this term and I am so grateful to them for always trying so hard.
This week has been Christmas, Christmas and more Christmas! The team and children worked so hard to ensure that the shows were a success. It was a pleasure to be able to watch them and I am sure you all enjoyed them as much as I did. The children sang beautifully, remembered their lines and their moves - I am so very proud of them all!
You may have noticed that we have started to tidy and sort the school grounds. In March, we are planning a Community Weekend, whereby we can complete some bigger projects to improve our school. Please look out for a letter during the first week back detailing what this will look like and what help we may need. It would be lovely to have any help you are able to offer.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonder New Year!
See you on Monday 6th January!
Mrs Lawrence
Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead
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