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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 24/25 - Issue 2 dated 6th September 2024

Posted: Fri 20th Sep 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week I attended the Friends AGM and was blown away by the amount of money raised and spent on our children over the last academic year. A whopping £15,000 was used to improve the school experiences for our children! I cannot express my thanks enough to all those involved and I look forward to working with you this academic year. 

The senior leadership team and I have been in lots of English and Maths lessons this week and we are so proud of how the children are accessing their learning. Their learning behaviours are great and our school values are shining through.  

A big congratulations from me to the new House Captains, Vice-Captains and Prefects in year 6 - you look wonderful in your new ties and badges! 

Our website is undergoing some maintenance work over the next couple of weeks. If you need any information and cannot find it on the website then please contact the office for assistance.  

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Lawrence

Interim Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead


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