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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 23rd September 2022

Posted: Fri 23rd Sep 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was a very moving start to the week with the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday. As a school we have taken many opportunities to reflect on and celebrate her reign through class based activities and whole school assemblies.

During the last few weeks, the children have completed some work in school to commemorate the life of Queen Elizabeth II and we have decided to display some of this beautiful work alongside our Platinum Jubilee display. This display will be ready for you to view at the end of this half term.

On Tuesday, Mr Devlin and Miss O’Mahony had the pleasure of hosting our first Ambassadors Assembly of the year. Awarding Ambassador badges and Special Recognition awards to children across the school is always a very proud moment for members of the leadership team - well done to all the recipients of these special awards.

On Monday, we wrote to families (R-Y6) regarding Pokemon cards and our ‘swaps’ table that will be available in our lunch club. We want to provide children with a space where ‘swaps’ can take place in a way that does not interfere with their learning. Please can all parents and carers remind their children that swaps are only allowed to take place in lunch clubs and these cards are their responsibility whilst they are in school. We will briefly talk to the children about ‘swaps’ in our assembly on Monday.

Congratulations to Amelia C, Lexi D, Eva L and Jeremiah K in year 6 on becoming our newly nominated captains of our amazing netball team! Thank you to our fabulous netball team and also to Mrs Horgan for running the netball club for our Year 5 and 6 children.

Earlier in the week, we were delighted to advise parents/carers of children in Years 4, 5 and 6 that we will be restarting our BHPS School Choir. Choir will start on Friday 30th September and take place each Friday from 8-8.45am. If your child would like to join our choir, please ensure your permission slip is returned to us as soon as possible.

Thank you to everyone who supported our Book Sale on Monday. This proved to be very successful - we even ran it informally for a second day!

Finally, thank you to the parents and carers who attended the Friends of Biggin Hill Primary School AGM this morning. We are very much looking forward to another brilliant year of working in partnership with the Friends and supporting the amazing events and fundraising they do for us as a school.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Our best wishes,

Mrs Freeman, Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Lawrence SENCo, Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

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