Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 23rd June 2023

Posted: Fri 23rd Jun 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was wonderful for us to start the day with the most brilliant assembly from Taj Mahal class. As our youngest school children, again I am filled with pride with how much they have learned and how confident they were during their class assembly. A very special ‘thank you’ to the children, Miss Turner, Mr Devlin and the Reception team for preparing them all so well.

Thank you everyone for your donations of bottles and sweets this morning - all of your donations are so very gratefully received and will be used at the Summer Fair next week.

Last Friday evening, our year 6 children and staff returned from the Isle of Wight. Miss O’Mahony informed me the children were full of smiles (and yawns) as they got off the coach! It is clear from the adventures that I have heard about this week, that the children really have had a wonderful time.

Next week, we will provide a full article featuring both the Isle of Wight and also the special week in school for children that didn't attend. 

On Wednesday, the children were treated to an assembly from Keith Masters from Westerham Beekeepers Association. The children were able to ask lots of questions as well as see a working beehive. Thank you to Mrs Snelling for organising this event for the children.

I sent a letter on Wednesday of this week regarding voluntary contributions. Along with many schools across the country, budgets have been hit very hard with rising costs and we have and need to think of different ways to support the school. These are just ideas at the present time and we are very keen to hear your views on the suggestions. Please do complete the Google form on the letter - your views are very important to us.

It was a pleasure to welcome our 2023/2024 Reception parents and carers to a meeting at the school this week. On behalf of the leadership team, I extend a very warm welcome to our new families in our BHPS school community.

We are in the final stages of finalising our teaching structure for the next academic year and we hope to be in a position to provide this to you very soon.

Next Friday (30th June), we look forward to our annual Sports Day and Summer Fair. Please note: we also have allocated 7th July as a reserve day for Sports Day - this will only be used if the weather and conditions are deemed too unsafe on 30th June.

If any families are attending the Biggin Hill Carnival in the Recreation Ground on Saturday 1st July, please do drop by to visit Mrs Sargeant on our BHPS stall. This is such a wonderful community event with many different stalls and activities on offer for families with children of all ages to enjoy.

I am delighted and proud to advise that our Ofsted Inspection Report along with our Ofsted Parent View is now available to view on the DfE website. This information can also be found on this website.

My thanks also to Mrs Snelling for organising the cake sale, which took place after school on Thursday. We are delighted to have raised £164 - all money raised from this event will directly benefit our children. Thank you so much for your support.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead


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