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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 23rd April 2021

Posted: Fri 23rd Apr 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

A very warm welcome back to all our children and families - I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break.

Monday’s virtual assembly was about the children preparing to return to school and for the term ahead. I hope sharing some of my own preparations enabled the children to feel at ease. To view the assembly, please visit

With restrictions slightly eased, we have so much to enjoy this term and are looking forward to being in a position to run some of the wonderful enrichment activities the children would usually enjoy. Please see my letter dated 19.04.21, this information is also available on our website under the Parent Portal and also via the calendar.

During my learning walk earlier in the week I felt that the school had such a lovely feel and classrooms are a hive of activity - everyone seems very settled and happy. I must also say a huge ‘thank you’ to our EYFS team for the transformation of the courtyard area during the Easter break. This space will now serve as an additional outside learning and intervention area for our EYFS children. The school really does look amazing both inside and out - everything from classrooms, learning spaces, displays, The Haven (our sensory garden) and the grounds. Thank you to all the amazing staff here for their hard work.

On Tuesday, you will have received a letter regarding our ‘Deep Dive’ into behaviour at BHPS. Please do take a few minutes to complete the parent/carers survey and also support your child/children to complete the children's survey. You and your child's/children's views are extremely important to us and will help  ensure that provision for all of the children is the very best that it can be. The survey will close on 28th April 2021. Links to both surveys can be found on the email sent earlier today.

This week we have also been able to welcome volunteers back into school; this is such an enormous help and an important part of our recovery plan. If there are any parents/carers that are interested in volunteering in school or have previously volunteered with us before and would like to join us again, please do contact

Learning interventions for this term have now started across the school. If your child has been selected to join an intervention, they will be bringing home a letter today. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, about this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

On Thursday we celebrated World Earth Day and enjoyed completing two whole school activities and a very special virtual World Earth Day assembly. My thanks to Mrs Churchward, Geography Lead, for organising these exciting activities across our school and leading our assembly yesterday. We will report more on this next week!

Finally, today is St. George's Day. It has been wonderful to see the many uniformed organisations represented by children across the school - well done everyone!

Have a fabulous and safe weekend. 

My very best wishes, 

Mrs Freeman





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