Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 23/24 Issue 11 - 8th December 2023

Posted: Fri 8th Dec 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been another festive week here at BHPS. The air has been filled with the sounds of children singing as they prepare for the Christmas performances next week! We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all.

We had a visit from Terry Millar, our interim CEO and CEO of the Inicio Trust, this week. We did a learning walk around the school and he stopped to talk to many children to ask them about their learning. Mr Millar was very impressed with what he saw and really enjoyed his visit. I felt very proud as we walked around the school, the children’s behaviour for learning was excellent and they all talked so enthusiastically about what they were learning.

The children all looked fantastic in their Christmas jumpers today - thank you for your generous donating to Save The Children. 

We had a wonderful Headteacher’s Award Assembly today - it is always such a joy to read out the certificates. The children were very excited to be the first to receive our brand new Headteacher Award badges. Well done everyone!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 


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